Thursday, February 3, 2011

Our Kind of LOVE

Day 4! Oh my time is just flying by! I wish! So here I am at work again, just wondering if something special is going on inside of my body! I hope so, I oh so hope so. 10 more days to go and I am really looking forward to our trip to DC during President’s day weekend.  I am sure we will have fun! We booked our hotel last night and we will be able to see the Capital Building from it! I am so super excited. I have never been there and I ready to soak in all the sites, history, and fun! In English class I used to get in trouble for using so many explanation points! But I love using them, so now I can use them here! By the way I Love my Kindle, its perfect! Much easier then carrying a book around. TLS has not used hers yet. But I do have high hopes that she will. She better. 
So today my mind is telling me to calm down, we will find out in 10 days. My heart is jumping around full of excitement! I have high hopes that everything will be perfect! 

1 comment:

  1. You will love DC! I would recommend taking a dinner cruise on the Potomac River, you would get to see the sunset and the evening sky. I will be wishing for the best on Feb. 14th. :)
